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Grandfather Clocks Doomsday Clock

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Posted March 16, 2010

In the news one every so often reads about the famous, or might we say notorious, Doomsday Clock. The Doomsday Clock concept was developed by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists shortly after the United States dropped its A bombs on Japan in 1947. Though the word is not used, the Doomsday Clock suggests how close we are coming to armageddon — not in a biblical or religious way, but rather in a humans survival sense.

Should we have a Grandfather Clocks Doomsday Clock? While there is little doubt it would be a best selling clock, it would not even require a working movement, only an hour hand and a minute hand that can be moved back and forth. While it’s nice to think we may go back to a time before 11pm on the Doomsday Clock, we do not know how realistic such a change in the time risk climate would be. While it would be absolutely wonderful if it happened in our lifetime, the writer of this post is highly doubtful. And in the worst case scenario where the Doomsday Clock is moved forward to midnight, well, let’s just say we doubt anyone would be complaining if there Doomsday grandfather Clock did not chime the hours in that instance.

The concept timepiece, in its most recent adjustment, was moved back one minute, yet is still perilously close, at six minutes to midnight. The changes to the clock are no doubt somewhat subjective, and based on the assessment by the Group of the overall state of world affairs. This year the Doomsday Clock took global warming into account.

And no, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists bears no correlation or time connection to atomic wall clocks or atomic mantel clocks — nothing to do with atomic clocks or radio controlled clocks, period.

The organization behind the Doomsday Clock is on record as hoping for a nuclear free world, as we understand it. Other factors affecting the world’s security and not only humanity bot world life as we know it are also taken into account. Perhaps a foolproof nuclear arms shield would be one big step in the right direction. Multilateral voluntary disarmament, particularly as new players seems to be emerging annually, seems less likely to be possible or enforceable — just our opinion.

Anyone out there want us to introduce the 1-800-4CLOCKS.com Doomsday Grandfather Clock. We will monitor the reply of our many devoted grandfather clocks enthusiasts, but somehow we doubt this will be a grandfather clocks best seller.

We most certainly hope not.

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As Of: 02/14/2025