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Grandfather Clock Trick or Treat

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Posted October 29, 2010

Well, today we had our first unofficial trick-or-treating knock on one of our doors looking for candy. We pointed out they were a bit early, but our suspicion is that they clearly knew both that Halloween is still a few days away and that we are suckers for good costumes. This young boy was dressed as some superhero. Not one we recognized, and he could not tell us whom he was dressed up as either. Unfortunately, he was not dressed like a grandfather clock, wall clock, or moving mantel clock.

This year we once again received dozens of inquiries from individuals looking for grandfather clock costumes, in both junior and adult sizes. No requests for alarm clock costumes. And a couple of request for both wall clocks and mantle clocks costumes.

Next year, we may well both offer them and sell them in our Stores and online. If you might want to buy one, please respond to this blog post so we can gauge some sense of potential interest.

Have you ever been at a shopping mall and seen what is clearly an adult in a large Elmo from Sesame Street costume, trying to direct people to whatever retail location is there (can’t remember which one, but believe they were usually for furniture stores). What about someone dressed up as a grandfather clock trying to direct people to a clock store? Not sure it would get the instant attention of kids, or how quickly it might or would command the attention of adults and bring in any real clocks store traffic. But it is an idea worthy of consideration. And not only for Halloween.

We just this moment did a search to see if grandfather clock costumes or other Halloween clock outfits have made it to the mainstream, and we are happy to report at least one clock accessory available for girls dressing up as Alice of Alic in Wonderland:

Clock Accessory Halloween Alice in Wonderland

Clock Accessory Halloween Alice in Wonderland

Perhaps this is also the White Rabbit with a pocket watch accessory available. What was it he said – something like: “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date”.

Grandfather clock costume accessories or costumes, that’s where we think the real market still is. Or at least we hope that will be the case by this time next year.

© Clocks Blog and 1-800-4CLOCKS

As Of: 02/15/2025