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eBay Grandfather Clocks

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Posted October 22, 2012

Did you know that for several years 1-800-4clocks has had a presence on eBay selling both new and antique grandfather clocks, pocket watches, wall clocks, atomic clocks, mantel clocks and other antiques, selling new Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks and Ridgeway Grandfather Clocks in particular at our ebay UserID GrandfatherClocks , which can be found on UserID, which alternates between grandfatherclocks and grandfather-clocks store on eBay or see or GrandfatherClocks UserID World on eBay.

Historically, we have been featuring Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks, Ridgeway Grandfather Clocks, the Hermle Grandfather Clock collection and more. We plan to be adding even more, including Howard Miller Wall Clocks and Mantel Clocks, and Ridgeway mantle clocks and wall clocks. We expect to be adding Schneider Cuckoo Clocks very soon as well, including the 8 Day Movement mechanical cuckoo clocks, as well as the 3 day mechanical cuckoos, and the quartz driven cuckoo clocks also made by the German company Schneider.

If you look right now, as of the date of this post, you will not find much on eBay from us by way of Grandmother Clocks or Grandfather Clocks by Howard Miller or Ridgeway, but we plan for that to change within the next week. We expect to be offering the full line of mechanical Howard Miller Clocks, mechanical Ridgeway Clocks, as well as some of the nicer wall clocks and mantle clocks by Howard Miller and Ridgeway Floor Clocks that are quartz-driven.

Regardless of whether we list our antique clocks or new clocks on eBay or on our 1-800-4clocks website, we find that many customers end up calling us, frequently because of our easy to use toll-free number as well as our long-term association and background with Catalog sales, which may seem in some ways like a throwback to the past, but many customers like to talk to a live clock specialist who can both understand their questions and give them accurate answers. For that reason among others we do not believe in using call centers to staff our phone lines, nor have we historically put any of our grandfather clock or wall clock or mantel clock salespeople on commission, because we believe that selling the customer only the grandfather clock or other clock that they really want is good for them as well as us in the long-term in the form of repeat business from past clocks customers.

Many of our sales are from prior customers, and we work hard both to obtain and maintain customer loyalty.

Any suggestions as to how we can make our grandfather clock or gallery clock or mantle clock or other timepiece business more user-friendly or more effective and efficient, not to mention reasonably enjoyable, please let us know. We welcome customer feedback, and too frequently receive it only when there is a problem, We recently wrote a post that we have never taken up an offer from a customer who has volunteered to put up a positive testimonial online if we tell them where, meaning what website, we want it to go. We should probably do both more formally.

Grandfather Clocks on eBay, from 1-800-4CLOCKS with eBay ID grandfatherclocks and eBay Store grandfather-clocks.

© Grandfather Clocks Blog and 1-800-4CLOCKS

As Of: 02/18/2025