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Howard Miller Zoltan Mantel Clock

Wall Mantel Clocks in Presidential Election

Posted November 17, 2008

Our Store 1-800-4CLOCKS, which is a leader in grandfather clocks discounts and sells clocks of all types, was intrigued by inquiries received in advance of the November 4 Presidential Elections.

The request was to purchase atomic wall clocks and atomic mantel clocks that could be used is polling places around the country, being especially helpful when it comes to closing time for the USA polls. Atomic clocks are known for their accuracy to within a tiny fraction of a second, and being able to synchronize polling closing times was seen as a major benefit.

Among the clocks considered for use on a grand scale were Howard Miller Atomic Clocks.

Which were chosen and used where? Unfortunately, we are not at liberty to disclose.

We can say that we were not able to offer, yet, an atomic grandfather clock. Perhaps by the time the next election comes around.

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